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5 ways you can support someone with Dyslexia

If a friend or loved one of yours is living with dyslexia, it’s important for you to support them so that they don’t feel alone or misunderstood. Here are a few ways you can do this.

Educate yourself
To better understand and support your loved one, you need to educate yourself about dyslexia. Read about it and also ask your loved one to share their struggles with you. This will give you a better idea of what you can do to support them. You can learn more about dyslexia here.

Be patient
Understand that it may take a while for your loved one to understand or process information. Sometimes, they may need to take longer to do something because they need to take time to comprehend what they must do. Avoid throwing comments like, “That’s easy” or “I don’t see why you’re taking so long to do this”, etc. This can make them feel worse about themselves and their condition.

Be willing to help
Let your loved one know that you’re there for them, should they need help. Remember not to assume that they need help or jump in when you see them struggling with something. Just let them know that if they need you, you’ll be there for them and let them be the one to ask for help.

Suggest a stress-relieving activity
Having dyslexia, especially in school, varsity and even work, can contribute to stress and anxiety. [Studies show]( with dyslexia may experience,fears are known as phobias.) that those who are dyslexic also tend to have their symptoms heighten when under pressure or in stressful situations. Suggest a stress-relieving activity you two can partake in

together to help your loved one cope in stressful and high-pressure situations. This can be anything from yoga to painting, etc. As long as it’s a calming exercise for them.

Don’t treat them any differently
Even though your loved one has a learning difficulty, this doesn’t mean that they’re incapable of doing amazing things. Think of all their other talents, and be sure to celebrate those. Avoid treating them differently, because doing so can make them feel like they’re defined by their dyslexia.

People with dyslexia do eventually learn how to manage it, and they can achieve their life goals just like anyone else. Be kind to those who are dyslexic, and let those close to you know they can rely on you for support and understanding.

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