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Gender equality 2021- here’s how you can join the fight

The fight against gender inequality (which is the discrimination of women based on their gender – meaning they’re not treated as equals to men in society) has been ongoing for generations. While we’ve made a lot of progress, there’s still a lot to be done before we can say that we’re a society that’s free from gender inequality. For us to be the generation that achieves this, we should all join the fight. Here’s how.

Create a safe space for women and girls
Be a safe space for women and girls by offering them an ear so that you know what issues they’re facing. By doing so, you can come together and try to come up with solutions to these issues. If no initiatives exist in your school or varsity to empower women, you can always create your own.

Support female empowerment NGOs
Since there are organisations like Susters 4 Life that are already fighting for gender equality by empowering women, you

can help them continue their work by supporting them. Show your support by donating, attending events or by simply engaging on their online platforms because by doing so, you’ll help them gain traction and spread the word.

Support other women
For us to see gender equality become a reality, we first need to come together as women and support each other. Let’s stop seeing one another as competition but as sisters who are on the same team, since we’re most likely going through the same issues.

Join the fight against gender-based violence
In our country, gender-based violence is one of the most troublesome things that many women are subjected to. Join the fight against it by reporting it and helping victims get the help they need to get out of such situations. You can read this article for more information on how you can help them, and be vocal about your non-tolerance of GBV to

those around you. If you or someone you know is a victim, you can contact the National GBV Helpline on 0800 150 150.

Report sexual harassment
Unfortunately, in some environments women are still seen as sexual objects, which gives way to sexual harassment. This type of harassment can happen at work, at job interviews or even in schools and varsities. If you or someone you know is being sexually harassed, don’t hesitate to report this because it is a crime. Even if you know someone who’s offering people a job or positions in exchange for sex, you need to report them to stop this vicious cycle of abuse.

There are many instances where we can still pinpoint gender inequality. That’s why we need to actively work together to ensure a future that’s free from inequality, where women won’t be measured or abused because of their gender. Remember, you can also always chat to us privately on AskCellCgirl if you need help or advice.

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