It’s no secret that womxn have been doing great things since the beginning of time, which is why days like Women’s Day exist. Looking for ways to commemorate this important day? Here are some ideas.
Support female owned businesses
We all know at least one womxn who’s running a business. Using Women’s Day to support some of the female entrepreneurs that you know is a great way to show your appreciation and support. You might not be able to support every single female entrepreneur, but one is a good enough start and a fantastic way to show some love. Remember that even if you can’t support them by buying anything, you can still share their business page on your socials and spread the word in your circle.
Spread the word on womxn’s health
Whether you choose to host an intimate talk with the womxn in your life, or you spread the word online, letting womxn know about good health
choices is a great way to celebrate them on their special day. It’s important for womxn to know that they have the right to make choices about their bodies, whether that may be concerning their sexual and reproductive health, or mental health and self-care.
Advocate for empowerment
This is something that’s a little less limiting, but still allows you to show some support to other females. When you come across womxn who are doing big things, whether it’s online or in real life, share that with just about everyone you know. Be an advocate for womxn who are doing great and show your support by asking others to do the same. In the era we live in, word gets around really fast, so why not use that to uplift and empower womxn who really deserve it?
Show the womxn around you love
Showing love comes in many different forms and because of this, there are so many ways to do it. Invite friends over for an intimate brunch, have a picnic,
go out for coffee or do something that you all enjoy. Take time to catch up on what you’ve been up to and how everyone is handling day-to-day life during this pandemic. It’s been a tough time for everyone, so a little girl-time would be a huge mood changer.
Start a female empowerment business
Imagine being able to make money while empowering other womxn and providing them with a service or a product that will benefit them? If this sounds great to you, then maybe you should read this article for a little bit of inspiration.
As a womxn especially on International Women’s Day, you deserve to be celebrated regardless of how big or small you think your contribution to this world is. There are so many challenges that you face every single day, but you continue to soldier on and do your best. We see you and we hope you’ll enjoy this day and continue to inspire those around you.
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